Where Confidence Fails, Courage Prevails

Where Confidence Fails, Courage Prevails

I have a blog post about how to be confident, I’ll link that post here. You can practice confidence. It is entirely possible to make yourself more confident. But what do you do when you don’t have time to build your confidence before doing something? What do you do when your stomach turns with anxiety no matter how much you try to change your mindset surrounding a task? There may be some areas of our life in which you will never be fully confident. What do you do when one of these situations arise? What do you do when confidence fails you?

When confidence fails, courage prevails. If you aren’t confident about something but you want to do it, you need courage. Put your brave face on and just do it. Tell yourself the truth, that the world needs more people doing what you are doing. That there are others watching you. That by doing this thing, despite your fears, you are showing people that they can do it too. You are showing others how to be brave. You are showing, through your actions that others can face the hard stuff and come out of the other side alive. When confidence fails, courage prevails.