Meeting Your Needs

Meeting Your Needs

At the end of the day the only person responsible for your life, for your happiness, and your wellbeing is you. So, get comfortable meeting your needs. That doesn’t mean you have to handle everything yourself. It also doesn’t mean you can’t rely on others to meet your needs. What it does mean is it is your responsibility to reach out to others and tell them what you need. It means it’s up to you to identify when situations are and are not working for you. It’s up to you to build support systems for yourself and to respond when your needs are not being met. It’s up to you to show up for yourself.

A gentle reminder to focus on the good

A gentle reminder to focus on the good

It’s a great day to focus on all the things going right in your life ☀️ Your mind likes to draw your focus to what’s wrong/to do lists/what’s missing but you can change this. Focus on the good. Ruminate on the good. Think about everything 

Let it hurt, then let it heal

Let it hurt, then let it heal

Let it hurt, then let it heal.  There’s nothing wrong with feeling bad, with being unhappy, or with anger. When you have negative emotions feel them. Don’t push them away, don’t pretend they aren’t there. Acknowledge them, bring awareness to what you’re feeling, get curious 

For the People Who Think They Feel Too Much

For the People Who Think They Feel Too Much

You don’t need to apologize for how you feel, or for still being affected by something when you think you should be over it. If something affects you longer than others, it doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with you. It simply means you care. Don’t 

It Doesn’t Matter How it Looks, it Matters How it Feels

It Doesn’t Matter How it Looks, it Matters How it Feels

It doesn’t matter how it looks; it matters how it feels. Spend your energy on it feeling good instead of looking good. That shift changes everything. Are you satisfied with your actions? Are you fulfilling your purpose? Do you know what your purpose is? Do 

Growth is Not Linear

Growth is Not Linear

Don’t judge yourself if you fall back into unhealthy coping mechanisms. Growth is not linear. There is no straight line towards some “ideal” version of yourself. Life is messy, growth is messy. It’s called growing pains for a reason. The process is not always pleasant or predictable.

If you fall into negative thinking or unhealthy patterns the answer is to get back to the healthy habits as quickly as possible and to get curious about what caused you to fall back. Use it as an opportunity to get clear on what causes you to fall back to unhealthy habits. Find out what triggers you, what needs to be healed, what is and is not working for you. Brainstorm ways to set yourself up for success. Use each set back as a teaching moment, as an opportunity to learn a little more. Even if you’ve been here before, use each set back as an opportunity to dig a little deeper, to heal a little more, to learn about what does and does not work for you.

3 Things to do When You’re Stuck in a Bad Mood

3 Things to do When You’re Stuck in a Bad Mood

Save this post and the next time you’re in a bad mood run through these three things.

Choose Again.

Choose Again.

You don’t have to continue repeating patterns that aren’t serving you, you can simply choose again.
Choose to participate in activities that are aligned with your core values. Choose to do things that leave your cup feeling full. By doing so, you choose yourself again and again.

Victor vs. Victim

Victor vs. Victim

But what sets apart a victim and a victor is not that victims have doubts and fears and victors don’t. Everyone will doubt. Everyone will fear. Everyone at some point will curse the hard road laid out before them. The difference is victims let those thoughts sink them. A victor may get to the bottom, may even drift back down after trying to get to the top, but they will keep swimming up. They’ll keep swimming through the water that feels like mud until their muscles are carved of steel. The victor knows who they are, they know they belong in the sun. And no matter how long it takes, they’ll fight on until they feel it on their skin again.

Who Are You Not To?

Who Are You Not To?

We’ve been led to believe that we should step in line. Follow the status quo. Play it safe. Follow the path we’re on, avoid pivots. Even if it makes us unhappy. Our minds try to make us stay in the same places and do the same things because the familiar is safer than the unknown. But there is growth in the discomfort. We can achieve things beyond our wildest dreams if we only believed in ourselves. Next time your inner critic tries to tell you how dare you do that thing, tell it how dare I not.