Month: January 2022

The Truth about Happiness

The Truth about Happiness

Challenge: make a list of the times you have felt genuinely happy or at peace. This list will remind you that your happiness never came from things looking seemingly perfect on the outside. Your happiness came from being present and open and connected to yourself 

Sink Into the Good

Sink Into the Good

Everything in life is temporary. So when you feel content and satisfied, ground yourself in that feeling. If you’re used to chaos it can be tempting to focus on if or when things may go wrong. Worrying about all the ways your peace can be 

Diminishing Returns

Diminishing Returns

Do you find yourself wondering if a particular habit you’ve developed is one you should keep in your life? The concept of diminishing returns is that proportionally smaller benefits or profits are derived as more money or energy is invested. Smoking is an example of this. Despite the negative health effects and the expense, individuals still choose to smoke. If you have things or habits in your life that provide diminishing returns, I encourage you to explore that further. If you continue to do something despite the fact that it brings about more negative than positive, then it’s something you want to kick to the curb.

Need help kicking a bad habit? There are tons of tips and tricks to help you leave bad habits in the past. Click on the services tab on my website to sign up for coaching today!

Feta Pasta

Feta Pasta

This viral feta pasta recipe did not disappoint! It’s delicious and so simple! I added grilled chicken and spinach for more veggies and protein. I will definitely be making this again! It’s an extremely simple way to make your own fresh pasta sauce while expending 

A mind blowing singular breakthrough is not what changes your life. A micro shift is.

A mind blowing singular breakthrough is not what changes your life. A micro shift is.

Small continuous actions are what lead to monumental changes. Consistent actions towards your goals are what lead to sustainable and long term change. Although, we would all like to have a huge “ah-ha” moment where everything clicks into place, this is rarely what happens.
The moments where we feel like things are clicking are created by the 1,000 small moments that came before it. The big moments are