Month: April 2021

How to Prioritize Presence as We Navigate a New Normal

How to Prioritize Presence as We Navigate a New Normal

When I first heard the concept of “staying present” I didn’t fully understand what people were talking about. I thought: “What is the hype about? Of course, I’m present. I’m experiencing this moment. There is no other option but to be experiencing this moment. How 

9 Ways to Stay Present

9 Ways to Stay Present

Being present means being fully invested in the present moment. I understand defining a word with the same word isn’t entirely useful. Some examples might help. Presence means you’re not thinking about the time you choked up during your middle school play nor are you 

How to be Confident

How to be Confident

How to be confident. Everyone wants to be confident. We know the tips and tricks to make us appear confident; look people in the eyes, use a firm handshake (pre-Covid), don’t apologize, take “um” out of your vocabulary, speak slowly, keep your shoulders back, your head held high. That’s all great, and faking it until you make it has served me well in the past. But how do you actually become confident? Confident to the point where you don’t care if you occasionally say “um” or if you fidget with your pen while speaking.

I thought this was a complex process that would take years of rewiring. It’s not. This one hack has completely changed my life. It’s completely shifted my perspective and how I see myself. It’s built my confidence to the point that I can honestly show people who I am. They can then take me or leave me. Either way, I’m left relatively unbothered.

You build confidence in yourself by becoming an individual you can trust. By becoming someone you can rely on. A person who does what they say they are going to do. How do you build trust in yourself? By keeping every single promise that you make to yourself. That’s how you build trust. Self-trust is how you build confidence. It’s that simple. Think of the person you value the most, the person you would never forsake. Think of the one person you would never break a promise to. That person should be yourself. If it’s not, from now on, think of yourself as the person you would never let down. By doing this, you’ll become the person you trust the most in this world. The more promises you make and keep to yourself, the more confident you will become. If you tell yourself you’re going to workout later, workout later. If you tell yourself you’re going to clean your room, clean your room. If you say you’re going to save more money, save more money. If you say you’re going to bed early tonight, go to bed early. Become someone you can rely on. This way, when you say you’re going to do something  you won’t need to second guess or question whether you’ll follow through. You will already know you keep your word.

It’s amazing how this works. Try it out, you’ll see your confidence rise almost immediately. Start with something simple, like cooking dinner at home Monday nights. Once you have one promise down pat,  keep building on it. Don’t let your mind come up with excuses. If you tell yourself you are going to do something, do it. With every promise that you keep, your confidence will go up. So now when others question you it won’t matter because you won’t question you. Others opinions won’t shake you, because you’ll know who you are.

For more, check out this blog post on happiness because it will help you further elevate your life

Is It You?

Is It You?

Humans have a hard time admitting we play a part in the problems we’re experiencing. Our egos get in the way. The problems could be anything. Ranging from trouble sticking to healthy habits and going after personal goals, to problems in relationships with others. It’s 

How to de-stress your life!

How to de-stress your life!

Feeling Stressed?  When I confided in people that I felt stressed, burnt out, or tired, I was often met with responses similar to “me too” or “get in line.” Even better was the person who felt the need to prove they were more stressed than 

How to Manifest in Two Easy Steps

How to Manifest in Two Easy Steps

Manifest in Two Easy Steps


Step 1: Manifest


Manifestation and the The Law of Attraction (LOA) have gained a lot of attention and momentum lately. This is great, LOA is life changing. I want more people to experience the benefits manifestation can offer! Manifestation and LOA are basically, at their simplest terms, the ideology that the thoughts you put into the universe (i.e. manifest) is the energy you will receive back. The idea that when you manifest something, it starts a chain reaction that will bring the thing you desire to you. That you attract the same energy you put into the world. Manifesting and visualizing your dreams is a vital. Fully believing you are capable of achieving you goals is empowering and necessary to growth. So many people limit themselves with their own negative self-talk and belief systems. We all already have everything we need inside of us to thrive. It’s beautiful when individuals know how powerful they are, when they believe in their own greatness. It causes a ripple effect in our world. When you believe in yourself, others feel that energy and will believe in you as well. If you do not believe in yourself, others will feel that energy as well.

People get frustrated when the things they’re manifesting do not fall immediately into their laps. But manifestation does not equate to immediate gratification. It takes time. Individuals claim they believe they already possess what they wish to manifest. However, when they take an honest look inside themselves, find they have limiting believes surrounding what they want. For example, John Smith will state that he’s going to be a successful entrepreneur but deep down he doesn’t think he has what it takes to make it, or he believes the market is too saturated. You have to be brutally honest with yourself if you are experiencing limiting believes. If you have some, be gentle with yourself but get rid of them. Replace them with a positive narrative. Limiting beliefs will get in the way of achieving your goals. We all already possess everything we need to be successful.

Step 2: Do the work

Another vital part of manifestation is you have to do the work. You have to start taking tangible steps towards achieving what you want. You can’t just manifest your goals and then sit on the couch waiting for them to fall into your lap. You need to put systems into place so you’re consistently making progress towards your goals. Use trial and error to figure out what systems work for you, what keeps you motivated. You don’t have to burn yourself out but you have to do the work, you have to keep progressing. Progress, no matter how small, is progress. Small steps taken every day add up to monumental changes. Ask yourself if the actions you are taking are aligned with who you are.

In conclusion, manifestation is great. It’s a tool you should practice every day. But it’s a two steps process. You have to 1. Fully believe you have already achieved what you want to accomplish and 2. Get to work making progress towards achieving your goals.

When you’re in the spiral

When you’re in the spiral

Our society’s view on negative emotions is skewed, negative emotions have been given a bad rap. We haven’t been taught how vital negative emotions are to human growth. They help guide us live satisfying lives aligned with our core values. They need to be felt