Where are you focusing your energy?

Where are you focusing your energy?

Think of your energy as food for whatever it is you focus on. What you focus on grows because you’re feeding it. So be intentional. Your energy & focus are finite resources, you only have a certain amount each day. Put them into the things you want to see grow.

At the beginning of the day, contemplate and journal about what you would like to put your energy and focus towards. At the end of the day ask yourself and journal about where did you put your energy and focus.


Take an audit of your life today and see where your energy is being used. Are you being drawn into other people’s problems, the news, social media? Where are you expending your precious energy and focus? This is energy that could be used to reach your own personal goals. Instead of scrolling social media you could be connecting with your partner. Instead of getting sucked into drama you can be getting your work done. Put your energy into things that are going to fill your cup or leave you feeling accomplished, not drained.