What Keeps You Up At Night?

What Keeps You Up At Night?

The things that keep me up at night aren’t when I say “too much,” it’s not when I overshare, nor is it when I’ve gone out on a limb and failed. The scenarios that run through my head in the middle of the night are when I’ve kept my mouth shut. When I’ve politely nodded along even though I vehemently disagreed. It’s the times I’ve known I wanted to go for something but stayed put instead. The times I’ve kept my beliefs quiet so I don’t run the chance of making others uncomfortable. The times I’ve stayed in my comfort zone instead of pushing the limits. That’s what keeps me up at night.


I don’t judge myself when I’ve kept quiet even though I don’t want to. I don’t chastise myself for 1. one not being true to myself 100% of the time and 2. not being able to let it go immediately and move on. I acknowledge it, learn from it, and move on when I’m ready. Every time I find myself ruminating on an instance I chose to play it safe instead of staying true to who I am, I take it as a learning experience. A push in the direction to not do that the next time. Fuel that will push me to speak up. Choosing to be kind to yourself will get you a lot farther than judging yourself. What keeps you up at night?