Take It Slow

Take It Slow

            It’s okay to not have it all figured out. It’s okay to be unsure. The more in touch I become with my intuition, the more I’m able to accept how I feel about a particular situation.

In the past, when I was anxious or unsure about something, I would rush through it. I’d figuratively want to rip the band aid off and get whatever was causing me discomfort over with. I would not want to sit with the discomfort. I’d ignore it and press on or I’d numb the unsure feelings. By doing this I’d create a false sense of comfort in myself by suppressing my feelings. But this rarely worked to my benefit. I would usually end up rushing into something I didn’t feel ready for. Or I would do something I wasn’t confident in and would end up feeling worse because of it.

            If you feel unsure about something, even if everyone around you seems sure, there is usually a reason why. If something feels “off,” if you feel uncomfortable, explore that feeling. We feel things for a reason. Our emotions and anxieties tell us something. Like that we have to go slower, that we don’t feel comfortable around certain people, that what we are doing isn’t serving us, that we have to change our behavior. When these reservations occur, take it slow, process how you feel at each step. Don’t numb your hesitations, listen to them. Trust yourself. Take a step back. Evaluate if your actions are aligned with your values.

            You will trust yourself and your journey more if you know that when you’re feeling hesitant, you will honor that hesitation. When you’re in an environment, at a job, at a party, where you don’t feel comfortable, where you don’t feel like it’s serving you, take a step back. Sit with and process that feeling. Knowing that you will honor your feelings instead of ignoring them will build your confidence. If you take things slow, if you evaluate how you feel at each stage of the journey, you’ll be surer of where you end up. You’ll be confident in where you are and where you are going. Your actions will be intentional. Your actions will be aligned with your values and serve you. You’ll honor your wants and needs, not just those of the people around you. There will be times when jumping head first into something will serve you. But there will also be times where taking it slow will help you intentionally create a life you are in love with.