Tag: wellness coach

Egg Ramen

Egg Ramen

I love ramen. I used to eat it in college all the time. These days I need slightly more balanced meals so I add vegetables and eggs. This is perfect to make on cold winter days when you don’t feel like putting much thought into what you’re cooking. I used mushrooms, shredded carrots, and zoodles, but you can throw in whatever vegetables you have in your fridge. This is perfect to make when your vegetables are on the way out and need to be used. I’m thoroughly enjoying the shredded egg trend, it’s a fun new way to eat protein! You could also add any other types of protein on top of the ramen like chicken, shrimp, or steak. It’s a great way to create a new meal out of the leftovers you have in your fridge. Enjoy!

Raw Brussel Sprout and Egg Salad

Raw Brussel Sprout and Egg Salad

This dish is seriously delicious! It’s hands down my favorite salad I’ve ever made. It’s simple and easy to throw together for a quick lunch and is perfect to meal prep. It’ll keep you full and satisfied plus it gets those greens in! Brussel sprouts are high in fiber and antioxidants. They help protect against cancer and help with high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease, and diabetes. This salad will leave you feeling your best!

The Truth about Happiness

The Truth about Happiness

Challenge: make a list of the times you have felt genuinely happy or at peace.

This list will remind you that your happiness never came from things looking seemingly perfect on the outside. Your happiness came from being present and open and connected to yourself and to the moment. Let that be a guide as you move forward.

Brianna Wiest talks about this in her book “The Mountain is You.” Have you read it? If you have let’s chat about it! If not, I highly recommend it! It has a lot of great thoughts that will help you become the best version of yourself!

Easy Squash Soup

Easy Squash Soup

This easy hands off soup is a perfect lunch or dinner for fall days! It’s also great to make as a precursor to thanksgiving dinner! It’s simple and filled with healthy ingredients that scream fall and cozy vibes. Enjoy!

How to be less Reactive

How to be less Reactive

How to be less reactive you ask? By being reflective. We combat reactivity by strengthening our reflection muscle. Intentional reflection is a skill. I would argue it is the best tool in your self-growth tool box. When faced with the option to react or reflect, first reflect. Reflection allows you to evaluate a situation for all that it is, to learn from it and make sure you react in a way of your choosing, not in a way some external event has led you to react. Here are 5 tips to be less reactive: