Tag: self love journey

All Emotions are Valid and That Doesn’t Mean They Should Dictate Your Actions

All Emotions are Valid and That Doesn’t Mean They Should Dictate Your Actions

There are no wrong emotions, they all are valid. We cannot control how we feel about circumstances or events. Your truth is your truth. The initial feelings you have in response to events are always okay.
What you can control is how you choose to react and respond even when emotions are heightened. Just because your feelings and emotions are valid, doesn’t mean they give you an excuse to behave however you want. It’s important to keep in mind that your initial emotions do not consider many factors you’d prefer to consider when thinking with a rational mind and not one overcome with strong feelings. Your emotions do not consider your goals, the relationships you’d like to keep, or the work you’ve put in thus far.

How to Fill Your Self-Care Cup Even with a Busy Schedule

How to Fill Your Self-Care Cup Even with a Busy Schedule

A strong and intentional morning routine is the key to a great day. It’s great to make your morning routine a priority, but the truth is we don’t always have hours to dedicate to it. Sometimes we sleep in, sometimes we have somewhere to be earlier than usual, sometimes we simply don’t have the time. There are a million different reasons. What will set you up for a great day, even when you don’t have much time to devote to yourself, is having a set of non-negotiables. These non-negotiables are activities that you know will help you have the best day that you can.
Before you open yourself up to the outside world and influence, do something for your mind, your body, and your soul. Develop quick practices you can do in each category as your non-negotiables.

Understand Your Why, Understand Yourself

Understand Your Why, Understand Yourself

I want to bring your attention to your why. So much of what you do day in and day out is done on autopilot. Science estimates that 95 percent of our brain’s activity is unconscious. That means that an overwhelming majority of the decisions you make are done subconsciously. You do things without even fully realizing you’re doing them sometimes. So many people have no idea what the reasoning is behind their actions, emotions, and goals.


I want to bring your attention to your why in hopes that you’ll take time to consider it before taking action. In doing this, you’ll bring some of your actions out of subconscious autopilot and into conscious and intentional action. Next time you feel motivated to do something, ask yourself why. When you feel emotional, ask yourself why. Feel hurt by something? Dive into the why. You can begin this process with specific situations. If for instance, you don’t like your job, journal about why and see what patterns you find. Did you enjoy your date with your partner last night? Ask yourself why. Communicate with your partner about what you enjoyed so you can experience more authentic connection.


Understanding your why helps you take action aligned with your values. Knowing your why allows you to confidently pursue your goals. When you understand your why, you better understand yourself. When you understand what hurts you, you can then heal.  When you understand what motivates you, you can leverage it. When you understand why certain things leave you feeling happy, you can add more joy to your life.


When you have strong feelings don’t just accept them, dive into them. When you set your sights on new goals, before you begin pursuing them dive into the why. Why do you think that goal will be beneficial? How do you think that goal will make you feel? How can you feel that way now?


Bring your why into the forefront of your mind. Consider it an initial part of the decision making process. Journal about it before you take action and reflect on it after you do. Learn more about your subconscious so you can intentionally design the life that leaves you feeling your best. Want 1:1 coaching on this? Click here to learn more about coaching or email me at lunchroomlitigation.com


Don’t live a life governed by your emotions

Don’t live a life governed by your emotions

“We cannot live being governed by how we feel. Our emotions are temporary and not always reflective of reality.” –Brianna Wiest in her book the: The Mountain is You. We’ve all been there. We feel strong emotions and want to react. But is that always 

Meeting Your Needs

Meeting Your Needs

At the end of the day the only person responsible for your life, for your happiness, and your wellbeing is you. So, get comfortable meeting your needs. That doesn’t mean you have to handle everything yourself. It also doesn’t mean you can’t rely on others to meet your needs. What it does mean is it is your responsibility to reach out to others and tell them what you need. It means it’s up to you to identify when situations are and are not working for you. It’s up to you to build support systems for yourself and to respond when your needs are not being met. It’s up to you to show up for yourself.

It’s not about fighting the old, it’s about creating the new

It’s not about fighting the old, it’s about creating the new

Gentle reminder: You don’t need to fight the old in order to do things differently. Simply put your energy into doing things in a new way. Lovingly release what’s no longer serving you and turn towards what is.


You have a limited amount of time and energy each and every day. Whatever energy you use ruminating over past mistakes or revolting against outdated systems is less energy you have to build the new. I encourage you instead of consistently fighting the old, to put your energy into consistently creating the new. If last week’s patterns didn’t bring you closer to your goals, don’t ruminate over it. Put your focus into the new week laid out in front of you and ways you can improve. Fighting the old keeps you stuck in the old. By putting your energy into the old, even though it’s things you don’t want, you are still feeding it with energy. You’re still giving the things you don’t want your attention which will help them grow. If you put energy into creating the new, this will move the dial towards results you want to see and will get you closer to where you want to be.


Next time you want to make changes think of this principle. Imagine your goal is to get up earlier. Examine how you’re going about trying to get up earlier. Are you spending your energy talking down to yourself for pressing snooze yesterday or are you setting yourself up tonight so you have a better chance of success tomorrow?


Each day you’re given a specific amount of energy and time, how you choose to use it makes a difference. Make sure you’re creating what you want and not keeping yourself stuck in what you don’t.

How to Create a Bad Mood Tool Box

How to Create a Bad Mood Tool Box

Just as pilots plot their routes before take-off and have a GPS to help them navigate if the weather turns, you too can plot a way out of your bad mood before it happens. Create a bad mood tool box that contains a list of things you can run through to help you navigate your way out of the bad mood cloud and back to enjoying life. This bad mood tool box will be your guide back to inner peace.

Create a Good Things Photo Album

Create a Good Things Photo Album

This practice is a game changer. Creating a place where you can look at things that bring you joy is a simple and effective way to bring your focus out of the things that are wrong and into all the things that are going right. 

A gentle reminder to focus on the good

A gentle reminder to focus on the good

It’s a great day to focus on all the things going right in your life ☀️

Your mind likes to draw your focus to what’s wrong/to do lists/what’s missing but you can change this. Focus on the good. Ruminate on the good. Think about everything you have. Draw attention to the things you take for granted, the things you’d never want to change. Doing this will attract more of the things you want into your life. Where you put your energy is what you will feed.

It can be the smallest things like the flowers are blooming, or you can move your body, or you have someone you love to spend the holidays with. It’s the smallest joys that makes the greatest difference if you take the time to really appreciate them.

What’s one thing going right for you today?

Rock and a hard place

Rock and a hard place

Do you feel like you’re stuck between a rock and a hard place? Is something causing you frustration and you don’t know what to do about it? Have you searched and thought but still can’t find the right answer? If you thought through every angle,