Tag: mindset

The Truth about Happiness

The Truth about Happiness

Challenge: make a list of the times you have felt genuinely happy or at peace. This list will remind you that your happiness never came from things looking seemingly perfect on the outside. Your happiness came from being present and open and connected to yourself 

Having Trouble Focusing? Look at What You’re Consuming

Having Trouble Focusing? Look at What You’re Consuming

You have to commit to your goals; you have to consistently work on them. If you find yourself having a hard time staying on track and focused then take an audit of the things you’re consuming.
Whenever I find myself in a lull, or like I’m “stuck”, I take inventory of the things I’m consuming. I can usually pinpoint where my energy is being used up in places where I’d prefer it to be going towards other things.
Energy and focus are finite resources. At some point during the day, they’re going to run out. When we want to evolve, it’s important we use our energy and our ability to focus to create things we want to and not let it dwindle away.
If you have goals but find yourself struggling to execute, sit down and take an honest look at what you’re consuming. This includes social media, television, people, text messages, family members, gossip, the news. All of it. Where are you putting your energy?

Reach for Higher Feeling Thoughts

Reach for Higher Feeling Thoughts

Our reality is created by our perception of external events. Our perception of external events is created by our past environments, past experiences, and the thoughts we think. Our thoughts turn into our beliefs. Our beliefs and thoughts dictate how we experience the world.

The idea may be foreign to you, but you can choose the thoughts you have. You can experience a negative thought and instead of continuing on with that thought, you can choose again. You can gently release thoughts that bring you down and replace them with thoughts that brings you joy. By changing your thoughts, you gradually change your beliefs. By changing your beliefs, you change your reality. You can make any situation instantly better but simply choosing thought that feels better to you.

 For example, you can choose to think that the fight you had with your sister means you will never get along, or, you can use it as an opportunity for growth. You can use it to discover where the disconnect is between you. You can use it as an opportunity to lean into the things causing friction instead of pushing them away.

You can view your car flooding to mean the world is out to get you, or you can view it as an opportunity to practice patience and calm in difficult moments.

The happiest people are not the people who have everything go perfectly well for them all the time. The happiest people are the ones who can lean into the discomfort, who can find the silver linings, who choose not to let negativity control their day and moods. The happiest people are the ones who find joy in life. They are the ones who count their blessing instead of their hardships. Next time something goes wrong, use it as an opportunity to take stock of everything you are grateful for. Use it as an opportunity to practice reaching for a higher feeling thought.


Mindset is Queen

Mindset is Queen

Don’t underestimate the power of mindset work to change the entire trajectory of your life. It may seem like minute changes, but one day you’ll look back and everything will be different.

How to de-stress your life!

How to de-stress your life!

Feeling Stressed?  When I confided in people that I felt stressed, burnt out, or tired, I was often met with responses similar to “me too” or “get in line.” Even better was the person who felt the need to prove they were more stressed than