Tag: LOA

A gentle reminder to focus on the good

A gentle reminder to focus on the good

It’s a great day to focus on all the things going right in your life ☀️ Your mind likes to draw your focus to what’s wrong/to do lists/what’s missing but you can change this. Focus on the good. Ruminate on the good. Think about everything 

The Truth about Happiness

The Truth about Happiness

Challenge: make a list of the times you have felt genuinely happy or at peace. This list will remind you that your happiness never came from things looking seemingly perfect on the outside. Your happiness came from being present and open and connected to yourself 

Choose Love Over Fear

Choose Love Over Fear

            Fear prevents us from living in the now. It prevents us from fully enjoying our lives. Fear presents itself in different ways. In worrying over a diagnosis, a final exam, how the first meeting between your partner and parents will go. It can present itself in trying to plan and control future events.

            Instead of fear, choose love. Lean into love. Choose to believe that the universe is conspiring with you. That everything is happening for your highest good. When things do not go the way you planned, discover what there is to learn. Let yourself acknowledge that you have a feeling, that you are upset or disappointed by something, and let it lead you back to love. Believe that missteps are not missteps at all but that mistakes are divine teachers brining you closer to the things that are for you.

            When you choose to focus on and stay in a fear based mindset, you are blocking good things from coming to you. When you choose love, your energy sends out positive vibrations. The energy you send out into the world is the energy you receive back from the universe. By turning towards love, you attract more love and more positivity into your life. Be open to love. Be open to the idea that your problems will be solved in unexpected ways. Be open to creative possibilities. Believe in abundance, believe that everything will work out the way it is supposed to.

            Choose to enjoy the now and expect good things to come.

How to Manifest in Two Easy Steps

How to Manifest in Two Easy Steps

Manifest in Two Easy Steps   Step 1: Manifest   Manifestation and the The Law of Attraction (LOA) have gained a lot of attention and momentum lately. This is great, LOA is life changing. I want more people to experience the benefits manifestation can offer!