Tag: intentional living

How To Protect Your Peace This Holiday Season

How To Protect Your Peace This Holiday Season

The holidays are a time of gathering. There are parties and more interactions with family and friends. It is a time of joy, excitement, and reconnection with loved ones. For many, the holidays can also come with their fair share of stressors. Keep stress levels 

All Emotions are Valid and That Doesn’t Mean They Should Dictate Your Actions

All Emotions are Valid and That Doesn’t Mean They Should Dictate Your Actions

There are no wrong emotions, they all are valid. We cannot control how we feel about circumstances or events. Your truth is your truth. The initial feelings you have in response to events are always okay.
What you can control is how you choose to react and respond even when emotions are heightened. Just because your feelings and emotions are valid, doesn’t mean they give you an excuse to behave however you want. It’s important to keep in mind that your initial emotions do not consider many factors you’d prefer to consider when thinking with a rational mind and not one overcome with strong feelings. Your emotions do not consider your goals, the relationships you’d like to keep, or the work you’ve put in thus far.

Don’t live a life governed by your emotions

Don’t live a life governed by your emotions

“We cannot live being governed by how we feel. Our emotions are temporary and not always reflective of reality.” –Brianna Wiest in her book the: The Mountain is You.

We’ve all been there. We feel strong emotions and want to react. But is that always the best move? Does reacting in high emotional states usually help us?

It’s much more beneficial, although admittedly harder, to learn how to sit with strong emotions. To find comfort in the discomfort without being forced into action. Healing happens by feeling, not by lashing out, or numbing, or ignoring.

Ask yourself what you want the end goal to be. What actions will help you get there. See if you still feel the same after a few days, after a walk, after a good nights’ sleep. Then plan a course of action with your end goal in mind. This will serve you better than being a slave to your emotions.

For help with this, contact me or click here to see if coaching is a good fit for you.