Tag: healing journey

Let it hurt, then let it heal

Let it hurt, then let it heal

Let it hurt, then let it heal.  There’s nothing wrong with feeling bad, with being unhappy, or with anger. When you have negative emotions feel them. Don’t push them away, don’t pretend they aren’t there. Acknowledge them, bring awareness to what you’re feeling, get curious 

Your Obstacles

Your Obstacles

Your obstacles build a confidence and assurance in yourself. They are opportunities to learn, grow, and experience more. To get to know yourself and this world more intimately. While in the moment we may wish we did not have to go through the hard stuff, the hard stuff is what makes us strong. It doesn’t mean you won’t falter, but it does mean that when it comes down to it-when it matters, your inner strength will be there. Because after everything you’ve been through you know two things: 1. Only you can decide what breaks you and 2. You may fall, you may stay down for a little and you’ll always get up.

The Truth about Happiness

The Truth about Happiness

Challenge: make a list of the times you have felt genuinely happy or at peace.

This list will remind you that your happiness never came from things looking seemingly perfect on the outside. Your happiness came from being present and open and connected to yourself and to the moment. Let that be a guide as you move forward.

Brianna Wiest talks about this in her book “The Mountain is You.” Have you read it? If you have let’s chat about it! If not, I highly recommend it! It has a lot of great thoughts that will help you become the best version of yourself!

How to be Confident

How to be Confident

How to be confident. Everyone wants to be confident. We know the tips and tricks to make us appear confident; look people in the eyes, use a firm handshake (pre-Covid), don’t apologize, take “um” out of your vocabulary, speak slowly, keep your shoulders back, your 



At first you were scary.I didn’t understand whyMy body was betraying me.I tried to curl up and hide. 4am, I can’t sleepMy breathing won’t slow down.My stomach turns,The tension hurtsI’m not on solid ground. My head spinsFurther downrelentlessly.My mind no longer a safe place to