
I’ve started meditating in the dark on my closet floor for 10 mins a day. I was inspired by Glennon Doyle’s book, Untamed. I want to get to know my inner voice and trust myself above all else. I want to know what my truth is. Not society’s, not my friends’, not my families’, not my partner’s, just my truth. For 10 minutes, I want to silence everyone’s voice except my own.

While mediating, random unremarkable thoughts pop into my head like, put the wash in the dryer, email my co-worker, what am I having for lunch?

But then, something truly authentic and amazing will suddenly make itself heard.

Today’s was this:

I put into the abyss of my subconscious: I want to feel safe. In every sense of the word from now until forever. I want there to always be enough money, always be enough time, always be good.

And then my inner self answered with a strong resolute voice: oh honey, you already are.

You will never be able to ensure that you won’t make mistakes, that you’ll never falter, that people will never hurt you, that you will never hurt people- but you will always be ok. You have every tool you need right here inside of you. You have to ability to handle any situation you find yourself in. Trust your inner voice and no matter what the situation, you will always be safe.

My truth is: I make myself safe.