Mid-Year Goals Check In

Mid-Year Goals Check In

Happy July Everyone! We’re a little over half way through 2022! This is a great time to take stock of how you’re currently feeling in your life. Is your current lifestyle serving you? Think back to what your New Year’s goals were. How are you progressing towards meeting those goals? Be honest with yourself. If you aren’t as close as you would like towards your goals, don’t feel discouraged. Use this time as an opportunity.

July is a great time to become aware of the actions that have and have not been working for you. Do more of what has been working and use the next six months to change what has not. Refocus your energy. Bring the goals that you were so inspired to work towards on January 1st back to the forefront of your mind. Reset your intentions and realign your actions. If you set intentions for 2022 and then forgot about them, you still have half the year left. That’s more than enough time to implement habits to bring your intentions to life.

If you’re unsure how to change your actions so you can reach your goals sign up for 1:1 coaching. If what you have been doing has not been working and you do not know where to go from here, click here to learn more about lifestyle coaching. Don’t let the next 6 months fly by with no change. Take control of 2022 and make it your best year yet!