Coconut Oil

Coconut Oil

Coconut Oil & People

Have you heard Lizzo’s song Coconut oil? It’s chill vibes, give it a listen. I personally use coconut oil for many things. I’ll use it as a moisturizer, I’ll put some in my hair as a hair mask, I’ll use it as a deodorant, I’ll use it as an oil to cook with. Sometimes, if I’m feeling particularly witchy, I’ll even put it on a cut as an antibacterial. I used to be coconut oil obsessed and use it all the time, every day. Now I use it sparingly. I used to use it as a moisturizer every day, now I use it maybe once a week. Although most sources say coconut oil is healthy for your skin and your body, moderation is key. Often, we find a good thing and then use it all the time. But too much of a good thing can easily become a bad thing. For this reason, I like constantly alternating what I put into and on my body so I get the different benefits different things have to offer. Moderation is key. For human consumption coconut oil is considered one of the healthier oils, but it is high in saturated fats. Due to this it’s not my go to, but I always have it in my pantry. It’s delicious when cooking desserts or if I feel like cooking a coconut inspired meal (yum coconut rice). You want to use a good quality virgin coconut oil, I use organic. This is a solid, unless it’s summer or hot in your house in which case it melts.


Coconut Oil & Dogs

While I have coconut oil out, I will almost always give some to my dogs. Or, they will chase me around the house licking it off my legs. It’s the general consensus that coconut oil is good for dogs in moderation. Just like it’s good for humans in moderation. Of course, I am not a veterinarian, I’m a highly attentive dog mom. So, do your own research and consult your veterinarian before use. No one knows your dog as well as you do. If they have frequent stomach issues or health concerns, adding a new food may not be your best course of action.

I usually melt a couple of tablespoons of coconut oil and sprinkle it over their food (once it’s no longer hot) or give them a solid chunk as a snack. It helps with bad breath and I like introducing different foods into their diet. When I make homemade dog treats, coconut oil is a frequently used ingredient. Coconut oil should be introduced gradually to your dogs’ diet. Give them a little and see how they react. Coconut oil benefits for dogs include coat health, allergy and itchy skin relief, improved digestion, and improved cognitive function. It can give the immune system a boots, increase energy levels, help eliminate fleas and ticks, help treat arthritis and help treat ligament issues. It’s also been known to soothe dry skin, infections, hot spots, dry paw pads and cracked noses. Do not put coconut oil on your dog’s nose and then send them into the sun. Oil and the sun are not a good combination for human or dog skin. When I’m feeling really fancy, I’ll message some into their paws after a bath! Make them feel like they’re at the puppy spa, the good boys and girls they are, they deserve it!