Author: lunchroomlitigation

Lyss’ Orzo Salad

Lyss’ Orzo Salad

This Orzo Salad is great for an August BBQ! You can eat it warm, but I personally love it chilled. This dish is great because you can make it the day before, let it chill in the fridge overnight and bring it to a summer party!

What Keeps You Up At Night?

What Keeps You Up At Night?

The things that keep me up at night aren’t when I say “too much,” it’s not when I overshare, nor is it when I’ve gone out on a limb and failed. The scenarios that run through my head in the middle of the night are when I’ve kept my mouth shut. When I’ve politely nodded along even though I vehemently disagreed. It’s the times I’ve known I wanted to go for something but stayed put instead. The times I’ve kept my beliefs quiet so I don’t run the chance of making others uncomfortable. The times I’ve stayed in my comfort zone instead of pushing the limits. That’s what keeps me up at night.

Lyss’ Scrimp Scampi

Lyss’ Scrimp Scampi

To me, pasta is a form of self-care. I love it. All forms of it. It’s so versatile. There is a pasta dish for whatever mood you’re in. I love adding veggies and protein to keep my body feeling it’s best.

This Shrimp scampi recipe is one of my favorites. It’s quick and simple and requires minimal ingredients! I keep my freezer stocked with frozen shrimp and peas so I’m able to make this dish whenever the mood strikes.


  • Frozen peeled and deveined shrimp (tail on is fine)
  • Garlic
  • Olive oil
  • Juice from two lemons
  • Pepper
  • Salt
  • Onion salt
  • Fresh basil
  • butter
  • Pasta of your choosing (I love mixing two shapes)
  • Parmesan cheese


  1. Thaw shrimp (leave in fridge over night or put in bowl of cool water)
  2. Cook pasta according to directions on box (or get fresh pasta to make this meal even better
  3. While the pasta is cooking, chop 5 cloves of garlic and sauté them in a large pan with olive oil. After about two minutes (when garlic starts to soften) add shrimp. Cook shrimp until they are cooked thoroughly and turn pink (about 5 mins)
  4. When shrimp is cooked add 1/2 a 16oz. bag of frozen peas to pan.
  5. Once peas are soft, add salt, pepper, onion salt, 1 tbsp butter, and juice from one lemon.
  6. Add cooked pasta and parmesan to pan and combine.
  7. Top with juice from remaining lemon, pepper, and fresh basil.
You are so much more than the demons you are fighting

You are so much more than the demons you are fighting

You have so much more to offer the world and more importantly, so much more to offer yourself than the hidden battles you are fighting. We all have demons under the bed. Open the shades and bring them into the light, it takes away their power. You can have demons and simultaneously be filled with love and light. The two are not mutually exclusive. It’s your life, you make the rules.

Strawberry Spinach Summer Salad

Strawberry Spinach Summer Salad

Fruits and vegetables hit different in the Summer. Watermelon, Strawberries, and lettuce in season taste amazing. It’s like seasonally growing when nature intended makes the plants happier, which in turn makes the parts we eat delectable. This summer salad is one of my favorites! All the different flavors create a party in your mouth. Better yet, it’s packed with vitamins and nutrients that will leave you feeling your best!

Mindset is Queen

Mindset is Queen

I used to be a litigator. I traveled daily from Long Island to Westchester, Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, and Queens courts. I sat in traffic for an average of four to five hours a day anxiously hoping the daily car accidents would not get so out of hand that I would miss my call time. When I finally found parking and made it to the court, I would argue my case in front of a judge who, more often than not, had woken up on the wrong side of the bed. After arguing I would drive to my office where billable hours, efficiency, and one’s ability to play golf proved one’s worth.

This job was what I had worked hard for. But while staring at the dead cockroaches lining the floor of a Queens Supreme Court bathroom after rushing to empty my bladder from the tedious morning commute while simultaneously reciting the facts of my mundane case, it did not seem to be everything I thought it would be.

Luckily, I have never been one to merely accept my circumstances for what they are without further research and thought. I went searching for ways to improve my quality of life. It was then I found mindset work. I discovered law of attraction and dipped my toes into energy work. I realized that the energy I put out into the world is the energy I attracted. I discovered that if I believed my commute and work day would suck, then it would most certainly suck. I discovered the power my mindset had over my overall wellness and satisfaction of life. For the first time, I saw how powerful I was. I could rewrite the story I was telling myself and could thus increase my quality of life. I had a choice. I could choose to look for the good, and in looking for the good, I could bring about more good.

So, instead of dreading my stop and go morning commute, I found and listened to a podcast I loved and became grateful for it. I became thankful that I could listen to podcasts and learn new information while simultaneously doing my job. Instead of rushing back to the office after court, I took 20 mins to explore a new area, stop at a local park, grab lunch at a new place I’ve never been to before. Instead of hating the stop and go of the morning commute, I marveled at the huge and beautiful bridges I got to travel over while leaving Long Island and into the boroughs. The more I worked on positively reframing things in my mind, the more my mind started to naturally do this on its own. People around me at work complained about corporate politics but I looked forward to the walk I took on my lunch break. I realized that I had the power to leave this job whenever I wanted. I wasn’t forced to stay somewhere I was unhappy; I was choosing it. And at any point I could choose to leave. In that truth, I got my power back. I was narrating my story and I could frame it any way I wanted to. Those small mindset shifts, like being grateful for the views of the bridges instead of dreading the hours of traffic, turned into huge mindset shifts. Implementing a midday walk I enjoyed turned into looking for a job I enjoyed more. Each mindset shift gave me more confidence to design a life I loved. Little by little, piece by piece. Don’t underestimate the power of mindset work to change the entire trajectory of your life. It may seem like minute changes, but one day you’ll look back and everything will be different.

3 Productivity Hacks

3 Productivity Hacks

Time is our most valuable resource. We all want to work efficiently. Here are three hacks to work smarter, not harder.

Breakfast Tacos!

Breakfast Tacos!

These breakfast tacos are what dreams are made of. They look fancy but are simple to make, which is my favorite type of meal. The charred corn tortilla is a game changer 🙌🏼.

Switch Your Routine, Switch Your Perspective

Switch Your Routine, Switch Your Perspective

            I love routine. I find having a morning and night time routine to be beneficial. It’s important to know what works for you and to stick to it. That’s how you build towards your goals. It helps you stay aligned with your values.

            I crave flexibility as much as I crave routine. There comes a point when doing the same thing day in and day out becomes exhausting and mundane. I have found it vital to my mental health to regularly switch my environment. I love to immerse myself in new places and participate in different activities from my usual. For me, this switches my perspective and keeps my mindset positive. I love immersing myself in different cultures, being around people who think differently than me.

            The routine switch doesn’t always have to be something drastic like living in Bali for a month, although I’m game if you are. It can be something simple like going to a restaurant I’ve never been to, hiking a trail I’ve never hiked, saying yes to an invitation I’d usually say no to, reading a book from a perspective I normally would not choose. It is vital to experience the different things this world has to offer. I get the best of both worlds when I consistently implement my fundamental healthy habits while also making time for exploration. I make it a point to schedule new small experiences weekly and new larger experiences monthly. I can adventure while still maintaining the routines that leave me feeling my best. For example, I can take a weekend trip to a new state while still getting in a workout every morning. I can choose to meditate at the beach instead of in my meditation room. I can get my steps in while visiting with friends. Routine and flexibility can exist simultaneously. Try it out, you’d be surprised at how much occasionally changing your routine will switch your perspective for the better.

Victor vs. Victim

Victor vs. Victim

But what sets apart a victim and a victor is not that victims have doubts and fears and victors don’t. Everyone will doubt. Everyone will fear. Everyone at some point will curse the hard road laid out before them. The difference is victims let those thoughts sink them. A victor may get to the bottom, may even drift back down after trying to get to the top, but they will keep swimming up. They’ll keep swimming through the water that feels like mud until their muscles are carved of steel. The victor knows who they are, they know they belong in the sun. And no matter how long it takes, they’ll fight on until they feel it on their skin again.