Author: lunchroomlitigation

Reach for Higher Feeling Thoughts

Reach for Higher Feeling Thoughts

The idea may be foreign to you, but you can choose the thoughts you have. You can experience a negative thought and instead of continuing on with that thought, you can choose again. You can gently release thoughts that bring you down and replace them with thoughts that bring you joy. By changing your thoughts, you gradually change your beliefs. By changing your beliefs, you change your reality. You can make any situation instantly better but simply choosing a better feeling thought.

Pumpkin-Apple Pie Overnight Oats

Pumpkin-Apple Pie Overnight Oats

This is great to meal prep and take with you on the go! The perfect healthy and yummy breakfast or lunch to get you in the fall spirit! Enjoy!

Choose Again.

Choose Again.

Choose again.


You chose not to move your body yesterday? That’s fine, you can choose to move today.


Chose not to eat a fruit or vegetable with your lunch? Choose to have something green with dinner.


Chose to beat yourself up 10 minutes ago over choices you made in the past? Choose not to now.


Chose not to get your last assignment in on time? Choose again for the next one.


You don’t have to believe everything your brain tells you. You can choose again.


You don’t have to continue repeating patterns that aren’t serving you, you can simply choose again.


Choose to participate in activities that are aligned with your core values. Choose to do things that leave your cup feeling full. By doing so, you choose yourself again and again.


Have trouble making choices that serve you? Click on the services tab to sign up for coaching, I have some hacks for you!

Chicken Milanese

Chicken Milanese

This is such a yummy meal! It was perfect to make using the overabundance of garden tomato’s we have as summer winds down.   Ingredients: 1/2 Onion chopped 5 large tomatoes chopped Fresh basil chopped Vinegar Olive oil Salter Pepper Whole wheat flour Italian styled 

Setting Boundaries: Remember Your Why

Setting Boundaries: Remember Your Why

Having a strong why when setting boundaries is like a lighthouse guiding ships to safe harbor on a cloudy day. When you start to lose sight of the shore, it’ll keep you on course. It’s your light of truth that will help you keep your boundaries strong once you’ve set them.

Summer Garden Veggie Pasta Salad

Summer Garden Veggie Pasta Salad

As summer winds down take full advantage of the last of the summer vegetables and herbs! This pasta can be served hot or cold. It’s a yummy and easy side to bring to a Labor Day BBQ. If you’re a gardener, this recipe is a perfect opportunity to put all that fresh produce to good use! If you aren’t a gardener, head out to your local farmers market and grab the last of the summer haul! Fresh vegetables and herbs taste amazing in the summer months. Enjoy it while you can!



  • Corn
  • Cherry Tomatoes
  • Eggplant
  • Basil
  • Whole Wheat Pasta
  • Olive Oil
  • Juice from 1 lemon
  • Garlic Salt
  • Balsamic vinegar


  • Slice eggplant into long strips and drizzle with olive oil and garlic salt.
  • Grill eggplant and corn on the BBQ until lightly charred.
  • When corn is cool enough to touch, cut corn off the cob.
  • Cook pasta according to directions on the box. I like to mix half a box of two different shaped pasta. It keeps things interesting.
  • Cut cherry tomatoes in half. Sauté tomatoes for three minutes in pan with olive oil, garlic salt, and basil.
  • Add cooked and drained pasta, eggplant, corn, olive oil, tomatoes, and lemon juice together. Top with fresh basil, balsamic, and parmesan cheese.
  • Enjoy!


If you want to make this a full meal, add some grilled shrimp, chicken, or steak

Summer Garden Veggie Pasta Salad
Eggplant Parmesan

Eggplant Parmesan

My dad had a bunch of eggplants from his garden that needed to be eaten. I valiantly rose to the challenge. I was a vegetarian for three years. When I was, eggplant parmesan was my go to meal. To this day, it is still one of my favorites! After many attempts, I have finally perfected my recipe and I am now sharing with you! Let me know if you try it! Enjoy!

If I’m Too Much, Go Find Less

If I’m Too Much, Go Find Less

And that’s what I wish I would have told my younger self when she was called “too much” of anything. That she was perfectly enough. That the people who didn’t see it that way, simply weren’t her people. And that is okay. That those individuals’ thoughts on her too-much-ness meant everything about them and nothing about her. They could go find less. I did not have to make myself less to keep others comfortable.

No One Can Make You Feel Inferior Without Your Consent

No One Can Make You Feel Inferior Without Your Consent

            Eleanor Roosevelt once said, “no one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” Take a moment to really think about that, let it sink in. No one can make you feel a certain way. Your feelings and thoughts are entirely your own. They are a summation of your past experiences and the way you have trained your brain to interpret events. No one can go into your brain and narrate your thoughts and feelings for you. The only person in control of your thoughts and feelings is you. Circumstances are neutral. We are the ones who attach feelings, thoughts, and emotions to external events.

            If someone says or does something in a way that makes us feel “bad” we can choose to let that go. Instead, we attach meanings and ruminate on other peoples’ actions. We make others’ actions somehow mean something about us. But the truth is other peoples’ opinions of us are none of our business. What does matter is if we have high opinions of ourselves, if we are happy with how we are behaving. Not what other people think.

            Next time you start to let yourself feel bad about what someone is saying about you, remember you are choosing to let yourself feel bad. You can choose for it to mean nothing about you. People who speak badly about others usually have turmoil within themselves. Take their actions for what they are, a “them” problem and let it go. Choose the higher feeling thought. Don’t let it become personal. Remember, the only way someone can make you feel inferior is if you let them. Don’t let them.

Sunday Pasta Meat Sauce Hack

Sunday Pasta Meat Sauce Hack

My mom makes an amazing mouthwatering sauce on Sundays. The recipe was handed down from her Nonna, who got it from her mother in Italy. The Sunday mornings when I woke up to the smell of sauce already wafting through the house are some of