Author: lunchroomlitigation

Let it hurt, then let it heal

Let it hurt, then let it heal

Let it hurt, then let it heal.  There’s nothing wrong with feeling bad, with being unhappy, or with anger. When you have negative emotions feel them. Don’t push them away, don’t pretend they aren’t there. Acknowledge them, bring awareness to what you’re feeling, get curious 

For the People Who Think They Feel Too Much

For the People Who Think They Feel Too Much

You don’t need to apologize for how you feel, or for still being affected by something when you think you should be over it. If something affects you longer than others, it doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with you. It simply means you care. Don’t 

Chicken Mac & Cheese

Chicken Mac & Cheese

This is the best Mac and Cheese I’ve made, and I’ve made a lot of mac and cheese. I have been on a hunt for the perfect Mac and Cheese recipe. This one is amazing! I got the base of the dish from Joanna Gain’s blog and added a few things. It’s amazing. You cannot go wrong with Jo Jo’s dishes. Everything I have made from her is amazing. Enjoy!


  • Chicken
  • 16 ounces elbow macaroni
  • 1 ½ cup heavy cream
  • ½ cup milk
  • 8 tblsp (1 stick) unsalted butter
  • 8 ounces gruyere cheese (grated about 2 cups)
  • 8 ounces cheddar cheese (grated about 2 cups)
  • Shredded mozzarella cheese
  • 8 ounces cream cheese
  • Himalayan salt
  • Smoked paprika
  • Garlic powder
  • Olive oil


  • Preheat oven to 350°
  • Cut chicken into small cubes (about 1-2 inches).
  • Season chicken with olive oil, salt, smoked paprika, and garlic powder.
  • Cook pasta according to directions on the box.
  • Cook chicken thoroughly.
  • In a saucepan or pot combine cream, milk, and butter. Heat over medium low heat until the butter is melted.
  • Combine pasta, cooked chicken, and the cream, milk, butter mixture. Add the cheeses to the pasta. Stir until combined.
  • Transfer pasta to an oven safe dish. Top with ½ cup shredded mozzarella cheese.
  • Bake for 20-25 minutes, until the cheese is melted.
Thoughts Are Not Facts

Thoughts Are Not Facts

How do you choose different thoughts when it’s so easy to listen to the anxiety producing ones? By rebutting them with facts. When your thoughts try to make you believe one thing, list all the facts that prove it wrong.

Candied Pecan, Cranberry, and Roasted Squash Salad

Candied Pecan, Cranberry, and Roasted Squash Salad

Ingredients: Any type of lettuce you like, I used a spring mix ½ red onion-chopped 1 red pepper-chopped 1 cucumber-chopped Dried cranberries Olive oil Lemon Salt For the roasted squash: Cubed squash or sweet potatoes Cinnamon Salt Olive oil For the candied pecans: 2 cups 

How to Build Healthy Habits in 5 Steps

How to Build Healthy Habits in 5 Steps

If you want to make adjustments in order to live a healthier life, you’ve come to the right place. Here are 5 steps that will help you build healthy habits. Happy habit building!

  1. Get clear and specific. Get clear on what habits you want to start practicing and what habits you’d like to kick to the curb. Be specific. Don’t say “I want to be healthier.” Take time to determine what specifically will make you feel healthier and what you’d like to change. For example, “I want to drink 10 glasses of water a day” or “I want to eat green vegetables two times a day” or “I want to eat home-cooked meals for dinner 6 times a week.” If you want to drink less don’t only make your intention that you’d like to drink less. Be specific. Make your goal “I want to have two drinks a week.” The more specific and clear you are on what you want to do, the easier it will be to make a plan and stick to it. Start your day looking at your clear and specific goal. Write it in your journal as your intention, hang a post-it on your mirror, set a reminder for it to pop up on your phone. Until you get the new habit down as part of your routine, have your goal somewhere you will see it every day.
  1. Know your why. Figure out why it is that you want to make these lifestyle adjustments. Get to the root of why you want to change things. What about your current habits are not serving you? Journal about how your unhealthy habits make you feel. How do you want to feel? What will these new habits help you to do? For example, if you want to organize your house determine why. Perhaps it’s so you have a streamlined routine and it’s easier to leave in the morning. Having a strong why that resonates with you will help keep you on track. Taking time to determine your why will help you figure out if you’re making adjustments for the right reasons. Is more going on for you than just wanting to make some adjustments in your life? Get curious.
  1. Make a plan. You may have heard the quote (I believe it originated from Benjamin Franklin) “those who fail to plan, plan to fail.” It’s true. Success in achieving your goals starts with planning. A productive day starts with planning the night before. Eating healthy dinners is a lot easier when you plan what you’re going to eat for the week instead of attempting to make healthy decisions when you finish work and you’re tired and hungry and takeout sounds delicious. Once you’re clear on your goals make a plan for how you will go about achieving those goals. Get specific, write it down, put it in your calendar. Have the how decided so when you’re in the moment all you have to do is follow the prescribed steps you’ve set for yourself. Do the thinking beforehand so in the moment you don’t have to both stick to your goals and figure out how you’re going to stick to your goals.
  1. Take actions to keep you on course. Write your why out on a piece of paper and place it somewhere you’ll see it every day. Have a friend or hire a coach that will check in on you and help hold you accountable. If the plan you’ve made doesn’t seem to be working, hire a coach to help you make a plan that will work. Make your undesirable habits harder to access. For example: don’t buy food that doesn’t make you feel your best, unplug your Xbox, keep your phone out of the room when you’re working, place your alarm clock on the other side of the room so you to get up in the morning. Make your desirable habits easier to implement. For example: move your exercise equipment upstairs from the basement, place the apples in the middle of the counter, set a reminder on your phone to meditate. The easier and more streamlined you can make your desirable habits, the more likely you are to do them. There are so many ways you can get creative and make building healthy habits a pleasant experience. After doing your habits for a week, treat yourself with something fun! 
  1. Pay attention to how you’re speaking to yourself. You become what you identify as. If you identify as someone who works out every day, you’ll workout every day. It you identify as someone who doesn’t sleep well, you won’t sleep well. Pay attention to the narratives you’re feeding yourself because those narratives become your reality. Foster a positive inner voice, not one that beats you down. If you fall off your new habits along the way, pay attention to what that inner voice is telling you. If it’s mean, you want to change it to one of love and acceptance. Instead of harping over the times you didn’t stick to your habits or plan, determine what you can learn from it and leave it in the past. There is no such thing as perfect and it’s okay to fall off your goals. Gently remind yourself of your why and tweak things so it’s less likely that you’ll fall off next time. Extend yourself grace when doing hard things. You’re a masterpiece and they take time.

If you would like individualized assistance in creating healthier habits in your life, sign up for coaching. With my coaching sessions, you can contact me throughout the day when you need help staying on track. This real time assistance is a gamer changer when you’re implementing new practices into your life.

Egg Ramen

Egg Ramen

I love ramen. I used to eat it in college all the time. These days I need slightly more balanced meals so I add vegetables and eggs. This is perfect to make on cold winter days when you don’t feel like putting much thought into what you’re cooking. I used mushrooms, shredded carrots, and zoodles, but you can throw in whatever vegetables you have in your fridge. This is perfect to make when your vegetables are on the way out and need to be used. I’m thoroughly enjoying the shredded egg trend, it’s a fun new way to eat protein! You could also add any other types of protein on top of the ramen like chicken, shrimp, or steak. It’s a great way to create a new meal out of the leftovers you have in your fridge. Enjoy!

The Gap Between Knowing Better and Doing Better

The Gap Between Knowing Better and Doing Better

There is a period, the time of which is different for everyone, where a gap exists between knowing better and doing better. It is when you have taken the step of becoming self-aware of what habits are no longer serving you, or are hindering you from enjoying your life, however you find yourself continuing to fall into the same unhealthy patterns nonetheless.

Our tendency to fall back into what’s familiar, even if it’s not what’s best for us is why it’s imperative to make healthy coping habits part of your daily routine. Don’t solely keep healthy habits in your back pocket for when life gets hard. Practice them and strengthen them. This will reinforce the positive consequences of their use. The more practice you have, the more familiar these habits will become. The more familiar the healthy habit, especially when times get rough, the more likely you will turn to it instead of a destructive habit.

Raw Brussel Sprout and Egg Salad

Raw Brussel Sprout and Egg Salad

This dish is seriously delicious! It’s hands down my favorite salad I’ve ever made. It’s simple and easy to throw together for a quick lunch and is perfect to meal prep. It’ll keep you full and satisfied plus it gets those greens in! Brussel sprouts are high in fiber and antioxidants. They help protect against cancer and help with high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease, and diabetes. This salad will leave you feeling your best!



  • Brussel Sprouts (I brought mine from trader joes)
  • Olive oil
  • Juice from two lemons
  • Dijon mustard
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Parmesan cheese flakes
  • Two hard boiled eggs



  1. Wash the Brussel Sprouts. I rinse mine, let them sit in a water and apple cider vinegar mixture for 5 minutes, and then rinse them again.
  2. Either chop or grate your Brussel Sprouts. It’s nice to have a mixture of both textures, but it’s easier and faster to chop them.
  3. Make your dressing. Combine lemon juice, Olive Oil, Dijon mustard, Salt, and Pepper. Whisk mixture together and drizzle on top of Brussel Sprouts.
  4. Add parmesan cheese flakes
  5. Grate hard boiled eggs on top.
  6. Mix together and enjoy!
Your Obstacles

Your Obstacles

Your obstacles build a confidence and assurance in yourself. They are opportunities to learn, grow, and experience more. To get to know yourself and this world more intimately. While in the moment we may wish we did not have to go through the hard stuff, the hard stuff is what makes us strong. It doesn’t mean you won’t falter, but it does mean that when it comes down to it-when it matters, your inner strength will be there. Because after everything you’ve been through you know two things: 1. Only you can decide what breaks you and 2. You may fall, you may stay down for a little and you’ll always get up.