Author: lunchroomlitigation

“Must be Nice”

“Must be Nice”

Whenever I hear myself saying “must be nice”, I know there’s some inner work that needs to be done. Some inner processing that is likely going to make me face some less than ideal truths about myself. But shedding light on darkness gives darkness less 



The ones who doubt themselves are the ones who know the most. It’s the ones doubting themselves who shouldn’t be doubting at all. They contemplate every angel, imagine every perspective, every consequence. They have the right answers. They’ve taken the time to think it through. 



I’ve started meditating in the dark on my closet floor for 10 mins a day. I was inspired by Glennon Doyle’s book, Untamed. I want to get to know my inner voice and trust myself above all else. I want to know what my truth is. Not society’s, not my friends’, not my families’, not my partner’s, just my truth. For 10 minutes, I want to silence everyone’s voice except my own.

While mediating, random unremarkable thoughts pop into my head like, put the wash in the dryer, email my co-worker, what am I having for lunch?

But then, something truly authentic and amazing will suddenly make itself heard.

Today’s was this:

I put into the abyss of my subconscious: I want to feel safe. In every sense of the word from now until forever. I want there to always be enough money, always be enough time, always be good.

And then my inner self answered with a strong resolute voice: oh honey, you already are.

You will never be able to ensure that you won’t make mistakes, that you’ll never falter, that people will never hurt you, that you will never hurt people- but you will always be ok. You have every tool you need right here inside of you. You have to ability to handle any situation you find yourself in. Trust your inner voice and no matter what the situation, you will always be safe.

My truth is: I make myself safe.

The road isn’t meant to be carried, it’s meant to be enjoyed

The road isn’t meant to be carried, it’s meant to be enjoyed

Sometimes life gets heavy. The todo list gets overwhelming and the heart aches. The affirmations and knowledge that you should be gentle with yourself, give yourself grace, are silenced by our perceived short comings. You aren’t able to tell yourself how great you are because 

Sheet pan shrimp fajitas!

Sheet pan shrimp fajitas!

You have to try this sheet pan shrimp fajita dish! It’s healthy and delicious and it makes weekday meals so simple!To make it: First, preheat your oven to 400 degrees. Second, Cut peppers and onions into thin strips and add to a bowl with your 

A Tribute to a fearless Bunny, Gracie.

A Tribute to a fearless Bunny, Gracie.

I was lucky enough to have Gracie with me through so many huge phases of life. College, break ups, law school, Riley joining the family, the bar, getting my first apartment, Rory joining the family, getting engaged. She was there through it all. I’m not sure if I always took the best care of her. When I got her, I hardly knew how to take care of myself. But she never held it against me. And I learned.

Some people might not understand being so upset over her passing. And I can’t help but feel grateful to care about animals as deeply as I do. I’m lucky I’m able to really get to know them. I’m lucky they really become part of my family, even though it hurts so much when they go. 

These animals we get to share earth with are so special. They have such different personalities, likes and dislikes. If you’re lucky enough to really get to know them, if you really see them, you understand.

One of the biggest sins of this world is that they don’t get more time. Between us and them I can’t help but think they deserve it more.

Let me tell you just a little about Gracie, Gracie Macie for short. She liked to rub her chin on things that were hers, that included me. She liked to fight the hay you put into her cage. She liked fresh fruit and veggies and she liked to explore. She was fearless. She held her own, even when Riley obsessively stared into her cage. She protected her home; it was hers and not yours; Sometimes she was feisty, some people didn’t understand it-but I did. She was my little study bunny; she let me pet her head as I learned. She loved to lay in the sun. I knew you were getting weaker, but I thought we had more time. We always want more time. But, when all is said and done, I think we had a wonderful journey together. Thank you for your little bunny licks, and for making sure I knew you loved me, especially at the end. I think you’re in the lightning now.

Salad Bowls!

Salad Bowls!

Salad bowls are one of my all time favorite meals. They’re a great way to get your daily dose of veggies in. I like adding some sort of rice or pasta to them to keep me full longer. You can added really any veggies, spinach, 

Stop Funding Animal Testing!

Stop Funding Animal Testing!

We are now in the year 2020. In modern day society, there are numerous other methods of testing products that are way more effective than testing on animals. Many scientists now believe that in vitro testing (or testing in test tubes rather than in a human or animal) is far superior to animal testing. There is simply no need to continue putting animals through the inhuman practice of animal testing.

Fostering and Adopting During COVID-19

Fostering and Adopting During COVID-19

The world is drastically changing. Individuals in most countries are being told to stay home. All non-essential workers are being ordered to stay home and help flatten the curve and stop the spread of this horrible disease, COVID-19. Health care workers are putting their lives on the line everyday taking care of COVID-19 patients. Small businesses are closing, people are not able to pay their rent. Most people who are not essential workers feel like they are powerless to help their family members who are essential and putting their lives on the line every day. But people are trying to find productive ways to spend their now copious amount of time home.

            One silver lining is that more people than ever before are fostering and adopting animals. People who thought they didn’t have time to help an animal in need now have all the time in the world as the world shifts almost entirely online. Shelters are doing online live adoption events since they can no longer welcome visitors through their doors. Shelters have had to get creative in how they let the public know what animals are for adoption since people are no longer able to physically enter through the shelter door and form a connection with the animals. Video conferences, live streams and social media are being utilized more than ever before. Many shelters have had great success by relying on the internet more than they ever have in the past. It’s hard to bypass the cute pictures and stories each available animal comes with when scrolling through your social media accounts.

            Companion animals provide many great health benefits to humans. However, before making the decision to adopt a companion animal during the current global crises, make sure that when life returns back to “normal” (or to a new normal) you are still able to provide sufficient care. For some who are unsure of how much care they will be able to provide when they go back to work, fostering may be a great option. Fostering allows people to welcome an animal into their home without a long-term commitment. When things return to normal, if an individual finds he or she is no longer able to provide sufficient care, the animal can be adopted out to a new family. Since being fostered in a home the animals will be better adjusted and their true personalities will be able to shine through, without the stresses of living in a shelter changing their personalities, making the animals more adoptable.  Many may find that even when they are no longer home 24/7, they can still welcome an animal into their home and provide outstanding care.

            Fostering during troubling times like the global crises we are currently facing helps both the animals and the humans. The animal is able to adjust to a life in a house or an apartment and is able to receive more one on one attention and care from their foster parent. This makes it more likely that the animal will be adopted. Having an animal companion also greatly benefits humans. Animals help ease human’s anxiety and provide companionship when many people are in isolation alone. Monitoring your mental health and taking steps to keep yourself healthy during trying times is vital. Pets offer many psychological benefits. Companion animals reduce depression, ward off loneliness, lower incidence of psychological disease, lessen the need for medications, and provide a sense of purpose. The world currently is collectively going through a traumatic event. Pets help people overcome trauma. Physically pets lower blood pressure, reduce stress, lower incidence of heart disease, and lower overall healthcare costs. Companion animals make people both happier and healthier.

            So, if you have been thinking about getting a companion animal for a while, now may be the perfect opportunity to do so. If you are unsure if you will be able to devote enough time to an animal once the world goes back to “normal”, fostering is a great option. It will add some light to your life during these trying times and help both you and an animal in need. Check out your local shelters for animals that need homes or foster parents. You just might fall in love with your new furry best friend.

Join The Animal Rights Movement

Join The Animal Rights Movement

One individuals’ effort can make a huge difference in the Animal Rights Movement. As Dr. Seuss said in his famous book, and now movie, the Lorax, “[u]nless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.” So, let’s get into more of what you can do to help!