A Tribute to a fearless Bunny, Gracie.

A Tribute to a fearless Bunny, Gracie.

I was lucky enough to have Gracie with me through so many huge phases of life. College, break ups, law school, Riley joining the family, the bar, getting my first apartment, Rory joining the family, getting engaged. She was there through it all. I’m not sure if I always took the best care of her. When I got her, I hardly knew how to take care of myself. But she never held it against me. And I learned.

Some people might not understand being so upset over her passing. And I can’t help but feel grateful to care about animals as deeply as I do. I’m lucky I’m able to really get to know them. I’m lucky they really become part of my family, even though it hurts so much when they go. 

These animals we get to share earth with are so special. They have such different personalities, likes and dislikes. If you’re lucky enough to really get to know them, if you really see them, you understand.

One of the biggest sins of this world is that they don’t get more time. Between us and them I can’t help but think they deserve it more.

Let me tell you just a little about Gracie, Gracie Macie for short. She liked to rub her chin on things that were hers, that included me. She liked to fight the hay you put into her cage. She liked fresh fruit and veggies and she liked to explore. She was fearless. She held her own, even when Riley obsessively stared into her cage. She protected her home; it was hers and not yours; Sometimes she was feisty, some people didn’t understand it-but I did. She was my little study bunny; she let me pet her head as I learned. She loved to lay in the sun. I knew you were getting weaker, but I thought we had more time. We always want more time. But, when all is said and done, I think we had a wonderful journey together. Thank you for your little bunny licks, and for making sure I knew you loved me, especially at the end. I think you’re in the lightning now.