Choose Again.

Choose Again.

Choose again.


You chose not to move your body yesterday? That’s fine, you can choose to move today.


Chose not to eat a fruit or vegetable with your lunch? Choose to have something green with dinner.


Chose to beat yourself up 10 minutes ago over choices you made in the past? Choose not to now.


Chose not to get your last assignment in on time? Choose again for the next one.


You don’t have to believe everything your brain tells you. You can choose again.


You don’t have to continue repeating patterns that aren’t serving you, you can simply choose again.


Choose to participate in activities that are aligned with your core values. Choose to do things that leave your cup feeling full. By doing so, you choose yourself again and again.


Have trouble making choices that serve you? Click on the services tab to sign up for coaching, I have some hacks for you!