For the People Who Think They Feel Too Much

For the People Who Think They Feel Too Much

You don’t need to apologize for how you feel, or for still being affected by something when you think you should be over it. If something affects you longer than others, it doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with you. It simply means you care.

Don’t apologize for your ability to feel deeply. It’s a gift. The feelers are the people who change the world. The feelers become the doers. You can turn your feelings into action. Sometimes it’s uncomfortable. That discomfort provokes change. It prevents complacency. It fights injustice.

And it’s not just the sad things you feel. It’s the beautiful things too. The sunsets, the laughter, the crash of the ocean. You can sense the monumentality of moments. Sometimes it’s the sad, but it’s also the good you feel so strongly. It can be “a lot” but all the best things are. It’s always worth it.