How to Set Boundaries in 5 Easy Steps

How to Set Boundaries in 5 Easy Steps

Know Your Why: Your why is your truth. It’s the reason you are implementing changes in the first place. Identify your why before setting your boundary. Your why can be anything as long as it is authentic to you. It may be so you have 

The Beautiful Things

The Beautiful Things

We already know life can be hard, I’m not discrediting or disregarding your hardships, but if you want to change the narrative of your life then focus on the beautiful things. Talk about the beautiful things. Share the beautiful things with friends and family. Call your friend to tell them the amazing thing that happened at work. Journal about what is going well for you, about how beautiful the rain looked hitting against your window while you were curled up on your couch.
What we focus on creates our experience. Make your experience, your life, nothing sort of what life is, beautiful. Don’t miss it.

Choose Love Over Fear

Choose Love Over Fear

When you choose to focus on and stay in a fear based mindset, you are blocking good things from coming to you. When you choose love, your energy sends out positive vibrations. The energy you send out into the world is the energy you receive back from the universe. By turning towards love, you attract more love and more positivity into your life. Be open to love. Be open to the idea that your problems will be solved in unexpected ways. Be open to creative possibilities. Believe in abundance, believe that everything will work out the way it is supposed to.
Choose to enjoy the now and expect good things to come to you.

The Negatives

The Negatives

All feelings are ok and valid but they do not have to rule you, they can pass through you. Begin a practice of letting the negative thoughts drift back to where they came from, nowhere.

You Don’t Need Anyone to Save You

You Don’t Need Anyone to Save You

You don’t need anyone to come. The reason you’re waiting for, and romanticizing the idea of, someone to come save you is because you don’t think you can do it yourself. You don’t think you are capable of mustering up the strength to accomplish what you want to accomplish. But here is the truth, you are capable. You are in the best position to change your life. In fact, you are the only person who can change your life. Others can try to make you eat the vegetables, go to therapy, tell the truth, put the bottle down, leave the toxic relationship but not until you actually want to change will you change.

3 Things to do When You’re Stuck in a Bad Mood

3 Things to do When You’re Stuck in a Bad Mood

Save this post and the next time you’re in a bad mood run through these three things.

Reach for Higher Feeling Thoughts

Reach for Higher Feeling Thoughts

The idea may be foreign to you, but you can choose the thoughts you have. You can experience a negative thought and instead of continuing on with that thought, you can choose again. You can gently release thoughts that bring you down and replace them with thoughts that bring you joy. By changing your thoughts, you gradually change your beliefs. By changing your beliefs, you change your reality. You can make any situation instantly better but simply choosing a better feeling thought.

Choose Again.

Choose Again.

You don’t have to continue repeating patterns that aren’t serving you, you can simply choose again.
Choose to participate in activities that are aligned with your core values. Choose to do things that leave your cup feeling full. By doing so, you choose yourself again and again.

Setting Boundaries: Remember Your Why

Setting Boundaries: Remember Your Why

Having a strong why when setting boundaries is like a lighthouse guiding ships to safe harbor on a cloudy day. When you start to lose sight of the shore, it’ll keep you on course. It’s your light of truth that will help you keep your boundaries strong once you’ve set them.

If I’m Too Much, Go Find Less

If I’m Too Much, Go Find Less

And that’s what I wish I would have told my younger self when she was called “too much” of anything. That she was perfectly enough. That the people who didn’t see it that way, simply weren’t her people. And that is okay. That those individuals’ thoughts on her too-much-ness meant everything about them and nothing about her. They could go find less. I did not have to make myself less to keep others comfortable.