lunchroom litigation

Empower yourself

I enable my clients to effectuate positive impact in their lives through behavioral changes. Coaching enables you to get from where you are to where you want to be. Together we’ll work towards achieving your unique goals while prioritizing overall health, happiness, and well-being. We’ll create healthy coping mechanisms to add to your wellness toolbox to utilize when life feels hard. Together we’ll switch your perspective so your mindset is one that aids you, not hinders you. If you’re feeling stuck, I’ll help you take actionable steps towards progress. You’ll create a life where the best part of the day isn’t checking out. With coaching, you’ll become an empowered creator of a life you enjoy.

Nourish your Body

Your mind and your body are connected. Make mindful choices when deciding what to consume. When you fuel your body, you are also fueling your mind. Choose to consume foods and beverages that make you feel good! Every body is different. Discover what makes your body feel it’s best! Our bodies are powerful. They do so much for us. Love yours no matter where you are on your journey! Practice extending yourself grace, especially if you are working to change habits. 

Nourish your Mind

Get to know your inner voice. Foster a positive relationship with yourself. Learn to trust your intuition. Decide to be fully present in your life. Discover what makes you happiest. 

Choose to put energy into relationships and activities that bring you value. Surround yourself with people and things thats are aligned with your core values.  What we consume mentally either benefits or hurts us. Participate in activities that foster growth. 


Blog Posts

Just as pilots plot their routes before take-off and have a GPS to help them navigate if the weather turns, you too can plot a way out of your bad mood before it happens. Create a bad mood tool box that contains a list of things you can run through to help you navigate your way out of the bad mood cloud and back to enjoying life. This bad mood tool box will be your guide back to inner peace.

This practice is a game changer. Creating a place where you can look at things that bring you joy is a simple …

It’s a great day to focus on all the things going right in your life ☀️ Your mind likes to draw your …

Rock and a hard place

Do you feel like you’re stuck between a rock and a hard place? Is something causing you frustration and you don’t know …

Some people show their love with gifts or words of affirmation, I show it with homemade pasta. I got this recipe from the blog The Clean Eating Couple. Liz, the owner of the website, has tons of great recipes, so if you haven’t already, you should definitely check her out. Cavatelli is the perfect place to start if you want to make homemade pasta. You don’t need any fancy machinery, just a simple pasta board you can get for $9.00 on Amazon. Enjoy!

What is Your Best?

Do your best. We hear this statement often. And what does it mean? Feeling you did your best should enable you to go to sleep at night feeling fulfilled and satisfied with the activities you engaged in that day. Wanting to do your best encourages you to put forth the effort needed to meet your goals. How do you define your best? The answer depends on your individual goals and gets harder to navigate the more you look outside yourself for the meaning.

Let it hurt, then let it heal.  There’s nothing wrong with feeling bad, with being unhappy, or with anger. When you have …

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